June 20

The Strength of a Father

General Posts, This Week in Scripture


We live in an age when men and masculinity are rejected as “toxic,” and the role of a father is marginalized.

Just this week, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, said at the G7 meeting that post-Covid, countries should be ‘building back greener, building back fairer and building equally, and – how should I put it? – in a more gender-neutral and perhaps a more feminine way’.

The Lord does not want His people to be weak and live life without conviction. He calls on us instead to be strong and courageous.

“Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.” Joshua 1:7.

This world rejects the created order of a man committing his life to a single woman for life and a woman doing the same for a man. The two of them choosing to be people of strength dedicated to biblical principles and raising godly children.

We know that there is prosperity in these choices regardless of education or the job.

The strength of a father is found in bringing that strength under control through submission to God and His ways. A strong father is committed to teaching his children about the Lord while creating a safe home to do it in.

If we really want to build back stronger, we don’t need a gender neutral or more feminine society. We need more godly masculinity and more godly femininity.

We need the strength of a father.


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